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Saturday, January 2, 2010

21 Ways to Make Simple of New Years Resolutions

Do You Already Have A Plan?

Write Down Your Goals

Statistics show that 75% of what we write down happens. Putting your goals on paper both alerts your brain that you are "open for business," as well as sending a strong and positive message to the universe, declaring that you are, indeed, "in the game!"

Excercise your "Want" Muscle

Your goal should be something that you really want to change or achieve or desire, something that holds deep meaning for you. It's not about what society or your family wants for you. Deep meaning manifests strong motivation!

Take a Leap of Faith
Jump right into change. Now is as good a time as any to start working toward a more satisfying future. If not now, when?

Create a Plan

In order for you to manifest your goals, you need to create a series of clear and simple steps that you can put into action.

Set Your Mind

It starts and ends in the mind. If you resolve to walk every day, don't let the rain dissolve your resolve! There are always the stairwells at work or at home! And there's even rain gear!
Be Specific

Don't write or say, "I'm going to lose weight." Do write and say, "I am going to permanently remove 10 pounds."


When you visualize, your brain "practices" your action. See yourself eating less, exercising more, relaxing, succeeding, smiling, being in a happy relationship, making money, singing, dancing, etc! Woo hoo!!

Less is More

The more things you try to change in a short period of time, the less likely you are to change anything over the long term. Pace yourself. Don't try and change 50 things at once.

Find a "Resolution Buddy"

And share your goals with them. You are now accountable to someone other than yourself, and you will also feel a sense of purpose and accomplishment from helping your friend reach her goals!

Set a Timetable

The difference between a goal and a dream is a deadline! It can make all the difference. Specifically, when were you going to reach your goal? And how are you going to do that?

Create a Vision Board

Find inspiring quotes, motivating pictures, or anything that reminds you of your goal and collage these bits n' pieces together on paper and place it where you can see it!

Take a Risk
Resolutions are not just about 'fixing' something or getting something; they are about stretching a bit outside of your comfort zone. Go for it!

Remind Yourself of Your Goals

Write your goals on Post-It notes and place them on your fridge or bathroom mirror, or write your goals in your date book, or on your calendar. You don't want them to fall off your to-do list, do you?
Accentuate the Positive

Looking at the bright side of things will definitely generate more energy and enthusiasm that will help you to go after your dreams.

Celebrate Failure

If at first you don't succeed, try again! Reassess the situation, tweak it, learn from it and celebrate your moving forward.

Start a Journal

Record your successes and your failures. Your thoughts and a-ha! moments. And give yourself a gold star, while you're at it.

Get Some Daily Inspiration
There's nothing like an inspiring message being delivered to your email in-box. If you're specifically looking for weight loss inspiration (the #1 resolution each and every New Year's) visit Our Lady of Weight Loss or sign up for Beliefnet's daily weight loss newsletter.

Steer Clear of Negativity

Just as you will find people who will support you, you will also come across those who are negative and are likely to stop you from moving forward. Smile and walk away.
Fake it Til You Make it

Think and act like the person you want to be. Before you know it, you'll be there!
Be Patient

People want immediate results, but change takes time. Remember that it's the journey that's important.

Remember: You Matter!

Carve out time to give yourself the love and attention you need, and be sure to compliment yourself daily. Fully acknowledge all that you've accomplished and how special you are!

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